Player Management System (C++)

This project helps the authority to manage their newcomer players. Talking about the project here, the user can manage their player profiles. He can search and update them. Also, this project helps in mitigating the risk of data loss. Whenever you save a player record it will be automatically added to the database in text format.

You can perform the CRUD operation in this project and the system also contains other features such as count number of players in all game, count the total number of player’s record and clear complete database of player’s record. Here, a player’s record can be searched with different searching methods which make the user work easier for the users.

The Functions used are as follows

  • input(): Takes the Input of Player Information from user
  • output(): Shows the last input information of Player
  • writeInFile(): Writes the Input information into the File "PlayersRecord.txt"
  • searchInRecord(): Searches the information such as Game, PlayerName, PlayerId, DormNo., bedNo. etc. in the File "PlayersRecord.txt"
  • deleteInRecord(): Deletes the Player's Record using either PlayerId or PlayerName
  • countPlayersInGame(): Counts the Players Enrolled in different Games
  • countPlayers(): Counts the No. of Players Records available in File(Database)
  • showAllRecords(): Shows complete Player's Records
  • clearCompleteDatabase(): Clears the complete Player's Record Database

Player Management system is developed using C++ Programming Language and different variables, strings have been used for the development of it.This project provides the simplest system for managing player records.