Number Plate Detection

The NPR (Number Plate Recognition) system is based on image processing technology. The main objective here is to design an efficient automatic vehicle identification system by using vehicle number plate.

The system is implemented and simulated on MATLAB and performance is tested on real images. The system takes digital images of vehicles with their license plates visible and extracts license plate characters as a string of alphanumeric characters, and yields hypothetical user data from a related database corresponding to the extracted characters as output. The designed system is to work with reasonable accuracy if the digital image is of good resolution, and vehicle license plate has standard font in the region of interest.

The vehicle ought to stay stationary while taking the picture and the picture is caught from settled point parallel to the earth. We confronted some improper identification either because of the system, that was not able to extract the number plate from grayscale of the image taken improperly or because of luminance conditions and blurry background. Number plate extraction needs a great degree of high exactness when taking a shot at the images of busy streets or parking areas.